Registered charity number 266800
Become a volunteer
Our volunteers are essential to the success of our club and we are always keen to welcome new helpers. You must be 16 years or over. We swim at Stokewood Swimming Pool on Saturdays from 5.15pm till 6.30pm
At the pool
We want to ensure our swimming sessions are safe, enjoyable and beneficial to our members.You can help by
providing support and assistance in the pool
if you cannot swim you can still help at the shallow end or poolside
You will aim to attend at least two Saturdays a month. Helpers are subject to an enhanced DBS check
Admin support
Our club is run by volunteers and if you don’t swim or cannot commit to Saturday evenings, you can still get involved. Some of the areas where you can assisting include
admin support (eg record-keeping)
committee members
website development and maintenance
If you would like to know more, please contact us
Email our Treasurer at treasurer@bhaquability.co.uk
Or fill in the Contact form on our Contact page
" Aquability is a happy inclusive club and I love seeing how much our members enjoy their pool sessions".
We place enormous importance on the security of your data. We will not share your data with anyone outside our Charity without your consent and then only if we have a Data Processor Agreement in place unless there is a legal requirement to do so or for another legitimate interest